AVTECH Software, a private corporation founded in 1988, is a computer software and hardware manufacturer specializing in providing Windows NT/2K/XP/2K3 products to monitor multi-OS computers and network issues throughout a department or an entire enterprise. Once issues or events occur, AVTECH Software products use today’s most advanced alerting technologies to communicate critical and important status information to remote system managers and IT professionals via mobile phones, pagers, PDAs, email, the web and more. Automatic corrective actions can also be taken to immediately resolve issues, run scripts, and shutdown/restart servers or applications.
AVTECH Software is now the premier worldwide manufacturer of environment monitoring equipment specifically designed to monitor today’s advanced computer rooms and data centers. Our Room Alert and TemPageR products are used to monitor environmental conditions in many of the world’s most secure data centers and are installed in almost every branch of the US government.
CLICK HERE to visit AVTECH’s website.
AVTECH Products
Device Manager
Environment Monitors
Temperature Monitors
Signal Tower Monitors
Room Alert Packages
Monitor – Sensors
Monitor – Accessories
Network Camera Bundles
The unique combination of AVTECH Software's hardware and software products has lead us to become one of fastest growing companies in the data center monitoring marketplace.